ai (67)

9982049484?profile=RESIZE_400xHumanoid robot called “Jia Jia” was created by a team of engineers from the University of Science and Technology of China and was presented at a conference in Shanghai at the beginning of 2017.  Jia Jia can hold a simple conversation and make specific facial expressions when asked, and her creator believes the eerily lifelike robot heralds a future of cyborg labor in China. This was five years ago and was billed as China’s first human-like robot.  2022 - The Brave New World is in full force.


9857998096?profile=RESIZE_400xAre hackers better at using AI than defenders?  “There are three parts of any security strategy. You want to be able to detect, to prevent, and to respond,” says the Global Chief Technology Officer of Dell Technologies.  “It turns out that in the 'detect' area, we are well underway.  If you are using a security event information-management service or managed-security service provider, and they are not already using high degrees of advanced machine intelligence to detect threats, you already lost

9739410452?profile=RESIZE_400xCreating human-like AI is about more than mimicking human behavior technology must also be able to process information, or ‘think’, like humans too if it is to be fully relied upon.  New research, published in the journal Patterns and led by the University of Glasgow’s School of Psychology and Neuroscience, uses 3D modeling to analyze the way Deep Neural Networks are part of the broader family of machine learning process information, to visualize how their information processing matches that of

9701453695?profile=RESIZE_400xA US Pentagon official recently said he resigned his post because US cybersecurity is allegedly no match for China, calling it 'kindergarten level.'  This senior cybersecurity official Nicholas Chaillan said he quit because he thought it was impossible for the US to compete with China on artificial intelligence (AI). He joined the US Air Force as its first chief software officer in August 2018 and worked to equip this branch and the Pentagon with the most secure and advanced software available.

8171236301?profile=RESIZE_400xWalmart wants to learn whether robotic deliveries can fit into with its retail operations so it is launching a pilot program with General Motors funded electric automobile company Cruise, using the tech startup’s electric, self-driving to deliver groceries and other goods to suburban Phoenix customers.

The project will begin sometime in early 2021 and will use battery-powered vehicles in Cruise’s test fleet in Scottsdale, Arizona, Tom Ward, Walmart’s senior vice president for customer product, s

2019 Cyber Security Threat and Vulnerability Predictions

This report outlines our predictions regarding cyber threats and vulnerabilities for 2019.  We base those on the trends Wapack Labs were observing during 2018.  The main topics are artificial intelligence, IoT and mobile, cryptocurrency cybercrime, APT activity, and eCommerce targeting.

  1. Smarter Computing: Swarm, AI and Quantum

Quantum Computing

IBM-Q allows access to its quantum computer for research and testing. Quantum computing will revolut