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10840047074?profile=RESIZE_400xWe will be discussing Trending Hacker Profiles. We will talk with Jason Sgro, Atom Group's senior partner. The largest incident response and privately held cyber intelligence company in New Hampshire. The discussion will include ransomware-as-a-servi

10673698100?profile=RESIZE_400xQuantum Encryption Technology: Can quantum computers break public-key cryptography? In the last quarter of a century, classical cryptography has evolved into quantum cryptography, a branch of quantum information theory. Quantum cryptography is based

10468804269?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Dubious Morals & Ethics of Cyber: Two White hat hackers recently won $40,000 for cracking a system used by most major industrial companies. The hack focused on the systems used to manage our numerous power grids in the US and actually used in man

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10407047285?profile=RESIZE_400xCoinbase says its Super Bowl ad sent over 20 million hits to the company’s website. Security experts and cryptocurrency users worry scammers will try to exploit the technique by using spoofed QR codes that lead unsuspecting users to a look-alike webs

10406988881?profile=RESIZE_400xBad actors continue to capitalize on the widening gaps in endpoint security that all organizations are experiencing. CISOs have reevaluated their security policies in response to the support needed for work-from-home (WFH) and virtual teams, with end


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