
Red Sky® Alliance has been serving information security professionals for over twelve years. We invite businesses and organizations, from enterprises to small businesses, to learn more about cyber threats and how to avoid them. We provide TLP White and Green cyber threat reporting for targeted industry segments, international reports, and malware/bot analyses.

A privately held USA-owned cyber threat intelligence firm that delivers proprietary cyber threat intelligence datasets and services. Our company provides insightful, actionable intelligence in formats best suited to your strategic, operational, and tactical needs.


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No Heat with FrostyGoop Malware

12747155654?profile=RESIZE_400x Researchers have discovered a new malware variant likely used in an attack this January against an energy company in western Ukraine that left 600 households without heat amid freezing temperatures.  The tool, called FrostyGoop, is one of only a few malware strains ever discovered in the wild that can interact directly with industrial control systems and have a physical effect on the…

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China Continues to Hack

12745021476?profile=RESIZE_400x In a show of international cooperation, intelligence and cybersecurity agencies from eight countries have jointly accused China of orchestrating a series of cyberattacks on government networks.  The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, and South Korea have pointed the finger at APT40, a hacking group believed to be sponsored by China's Ministry…

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Ransomware is Here to Stay

12744500080?profile=RESIZE_400x In today's digital age, ransomware has emerged as a formidable threat to businesses of all sizes.  This malicious attack can paralyze operations, damage reputations, and inflict severe financial losses.  Mid-market organizations are particularly vulnerable, with over half (57%) admitting they don't regularly review and replace legacy systems, and a similar number (57%) failing to patch…

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Cash v. Cashless Society

12743024067?profile=RESIZE_400x Just this past week, a good friend of mine came back from a 2-week vacation in Scotland.  He and his wife had a great time walking an old ancient trail along many lakes and mountains.  He stayed at various BnB’s and hotels.  One thing that bothered my friend is that almost all places of business in Scotland, including the airport in Glasgow, demanded payment with a credit card –…

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12744563073?profile=RESIZE_400x Online identities continue to be at risk of vulnerabilities, a colossal password compilation named "RockYou2024" has emerged, containing nearly 10 billion unique passwords. This unprecedented leak has put the cybersecurity community and beyond on high alert as if it was not already there, highlighting the ongoing need for improved digital security practices.

The name…

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HardBit Gets Harder to Analyze

12744610093?profile=RESIZE_400x The HardBit ransomware first appeared in October 2022, with a 2.0 version coming shortly thereafter in November of 2022.   As one expects of a ransomware attack, HardBit targets organizations and demands cryptocurrency payments in exchange for decrypting data. 

Earlier variants of HardBit aren’t noted as being especially unique, though one standout attribute of HardBit is that the…

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