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12207596100?profile=RESIZE_400xLast Sunday, 13 August 2023, a UK-based Retail Management and EPOS Solutions provider called Swan Retail observed ‘technical difficulties,’ in several back-office systems causing ‘significant’ service disruptions.  According to a statement from the company’s representative, its systems were targeted by an unauthorized third party to which the company responded quickly by alerting its internal IT team, affiliated retailers, and law enforcement authorities.  However, around 300 retailers have been

12187442288?profile=RESIZE_400xNo, the current US presidential administration has not created a game show, but it has launched a competition offering millions of dollars in prize money for creating new artificial intelligence systems that can defend critical software from hackers.  Competitors vying for some of the $18.5 million in prize money will need to design novel AI systems that quickly find and fix software vulnerabilities in electric grids, subways or other key networks that could be exploited by hackers, a Biden admi