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12741365082?profile=RESIZE_400xExecutive Summary from Fortinet - Not long ago, the operational technology (OT) networks used in environments such as factories and critical infrastructure were air-gapped, meaning they were not connected to the internet.  But today, the once-siloed worlds of OT and information technology (IT) are seeing greater interconnectivity due to digital transformation and support for scarce or remote workers.  This connectivity can enhance production via data sharing and new cloud-based tools that allow

12439541492?profile=RESIZE_400xThe below information from DHS/CISA is a fact sheet which provides information and mitigations associated with cyber operations conducted by pro-Russia hacktivists who seek to compromise industrial control systems (ICS) and small-scale operational technology (OT) systems in North American and European critical infrastructure sectors, including Water and Wastewater Systems, Dams, Energy, and Food and Agriculture Sectors.[1]

The pro-Russia hacktivist activity appears mostly limited to unsophistica

12432960080?profile=RESIZE_400xThere are many factors affecting downtime that manufacturers must consider minimizing disruption to the production line.  While unplanned maintenance is one of the main elements posing a risk to streamlined operations, another growing issue is cyber-attacks and ransomware.

Cyber security has long been a threat to industrial organizations, but the risk, and indeed incident rate, is growing.  According to a report by cybersecurity technology specialists Dragos, ransomware attacks alone against ind

12425370855?profile=RESIZE_400xWith supply chain attacks on the rise, and nation-state attackers constantly looking for new ways to disrupt national security and economic stability, one of the most vulnerable areas is the security around our maritime operations.  The current US administration's recent Executive Order to fortify the cybersecurity of US ports underscores this concern, spotlighting the urgency of addressing vulnerabilities in a sector that drives over $5.4 trillion in economic activity annually.  This initiative

12377954654?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Colonial Pipeline ransomware infection has become a cautionary story about how ‘borking’ critical infrastructure can cause real-world pain, with fuel shortages leading to long lines and fistfights breaking out at gas stations.  Or as Jen Easterly, boss of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, warned Congress recently, "Societal panic and chaos."

The CISA Director and other security and law enforcement chiefs stressed the reality in which nation-states operating against Ame

12304214882?profile=RESIZE_400xAccording to researchers, despite industries best efforts, 67% of businesses say they need to improve security and compliance measures with 24% rating their organization’s security and compliance strategy as reactive.  The expansion of attack surfaces in a post-pandemic hybrid world, combined with shrinking teams and budgets and the rapid rise of generative AI, are fueling an urgent need for companies to improve and prove their security posture.

For companies of all sizes, limited risk visibilit

12294379291?profile=RESIZE_400xThe recent increase of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to be a game-changer in many positive ways, even though we are still on the edge of its vast potential.  New and previously unimaginable medical treatments, safer, cleaner and more integrated public transport, more rapid and accurate diagnoses, and environmental breakthroughs are all within the credible promise of AI today.

Both China and Russia have made no secret of their desire to “Win the AI race” with current and pledged investme

9158672090?profile=RESIZE_400xIT companies are making up the majority of organizations being targeted amid new activity by the group behind last year’s SolarWinds supply-chain attack, with at least one victim coming from Microsoft’s customer support ranks. 

On 25 June 2021, the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center said it was monitoring new activity from the Nobelium threat actor, which Microsoft is calling the group, with the vendor observing password spray and brute-force attacks, among other potential methods and tactics.