gps (4)

13407282094?profile=RESIZE_400xThe US Commerce Department on 14 January 2025 announced a new rule that will ban certain Chinese and Russian connected car technology from being imported to the United States.  Software and hardware built into Vehicle Connectivity Systems (VCS), such as telematics control units and cellular, satellite and Wi-fi functions, which are manufactured in China and Russia will be banned, along with any connected cars containing them.

Separately Russian and Chinese Automated Driving System (ADS) software

12560823289?profile=RESIZE_400xApple and the satellite-based broadband service Starlink each recently took steps to address new research into the potential security and privacy implications of how their services geo-locate devices.  Researchers from the University of Maryland say they relied on publicly available data from Apple to track the location of billions of devices globally — including non-Apple devices like Starlink systems and found they could use this data to monitor the destruction of Gaza, as well as the movement

10672047278?profile=RESIZE_400xGPS, or Global Positioning Systems, have become a staple of our lives – especially in the transportation sector.  Whether you are broadcasting your location for a rideshare or trying to find the quickest way to avoid traffic on your commute it seems that paper maps and printed directions have become a thing of the past.  It comes as no surprise that the more we rely on interconnected devices the more susceptible to cyber attacks we become.   This is exemplified through the Cybersecurity & Infras

10663796459?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending on 22 July 2022:

  • Red Sky Alliance identified 21,897 connections from new IP’s checking in with our Sinkholes
  • com 424x
  • Analysts identified 1,504 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • Log4Shell update
  • Vulnerabilities in Siemens JT2Go & Teamcenter Visualization
  • QakBot
  • Confucius Says
  • Sewers held Hostage
  • Attacks Shame, Scare Victims
  • GPS Vulnerabilities

Link to full report:  IR-22-203-001_weekly203.pdf