cyber security (51)

12633192892?profile=RESIZE_400xOn 1 May 2024 the CEO of United Health Group was invited to Washington, DC to spend the day getting raked over the coals by US Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and others at a meeting titled “Hacking America’s Health Care: Assessing the Change Healthcare Cyber Attack and What’s Next.”  Wyden set the tone early when he described the UNH cyber incident this way, “The Change Healthcare hack is considered by many to be the biggest cybersecurity disruption to heal

12630083477?profile=RESIZE_400xAmid an onslaught of high-profile cyberattacks showing how companies often neglect basic security measures, the Department of Justice is trying to use a law passed during the Civil War to put businesses on notice that these failures are unacceptable.  Under the umbrella of DOJ’s Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative, US government attorneys have since early 2022 deployed the pointedly named False Claims Act to punish contractors that mislead the government about their cybersecurity defenses, hoping to se

12543851483?profile=RESIZE_400xMicrosoft has recently declared that security will now be the company's topmost priority "above all else," even taking precedence over shipping new product features and capabilities.  This commitment to making security job #1 comes on the heels of a string of incidents, including a major breach disclosed just two months ago, where Russian state-sponsored hackers tracked as Midnight Blizzard or Nobelium gained disturbing levels of access to Microsoft's internal systems and source code repositorie

12428766264?profile=RESIZE_400xThe UN Security Council’s (UNSC) most recent Arria-formula meeting on a cyber-related topic occurred on 4 April 2024.  Organized by the Republic of Korea (ROK) and co-hosted by Japan and the United States (US), the session focused on the “Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape and Its Implications for The Maintenance of International Peace And Security.”  The informal meeting included interventions from more than 30 delegations preceded by technical briefings from Deputy to the High Representative for

12369378465?profile=RESIZE_400xIn the realm of cyber security, the objective is to shield systems, networks, and software applications from digital assaults. These digital threats typically have the intentions of either evaluating, altering, or compromising confidential data, extracting money from users, or disrupting regular business operations. The task of establishing robust cyber security defenses presents a formidable challenge in the contemporary landscape, chiefly due to the proliferation of devices surpassing the huma

12337597673?profile=RESIZE_400xA look back - All has not been quiet on the malicious cybersecurity front over the past 12 months.  Innovation, cyberattacks and cyberespionage, and data breaches, malicious or inadvertent, have remained a constant.  At the same time, defenders have scored notable victories, including in Ukraine as well as by disrupting some big-name ransomware players.[1]  GovInforSecurity provides 12 notable incidents and trends of 2023 and their implications for the bigger cybersecurity picture:

Clop's MOVEit

12310669452?profile=RESIZE_400xTerrorism, both foreign and domestic, remains a top threat to the Homeland, but other threats are increasingly crowding the threat space.  During the next year, we assess that the threat of violence from individuals radicalized in the United States will remain high, but largely unchanged, marked by lone offenders or small group attacks that occur with little warning.  Foreign terrorist groups like al-Qa’ida and ISIS are seeking to rebuild overseas, and they maintain worldwide networks of support

12309911896?profile=RESIZE_400xStaying Connected - Cruise company Carnival Corporation has agreed a partnership with Neuron, formerly ESpace Networks, to implement Neuron’s vendor-neutral connectivity management platform to optimize internet access on its ships.  The move is part of Carnival Corporation’s wider connectivity optimization strategy, which is focused on providing the best available connection at sea.  The Neuron 360 platform provides an end-to-end view of connectivity operations and real-time data to proactively

12304214882?profile=RESIZE_400xAccording to researchers, despite industries best efforts, 67% of businesses say they need to improve security and compliance measures with 24% rating their organization’s security and compliance strategy as reactive.  The expansion of attack surfaces in a post-pandemic hybrid world, combined with shrinking teams and budgets and the rapid rise of generative AI, are fueling an urgent need for companies to improve and prove their security posture.

For companies of all sizes, limited risk visibilit

12281682657?profile=RESIZE_400xThe attack surface widens by the day, with new threats being posed by artificial intelligence (AI) and increasingly cunning social engineering exploits.  And, while the global cybersecurity workforce has grown to help defend against mounting threats, the gap of required workers remains at an all-time high, according to ISC2’s annual Cybersecurity Workforce Study out today.  To adapt to that reality, the nonprofit member association emphasizes, organizations must move beyond legacy practices.


12271506890?profile=RESIZE_400xThe cybersecurity landscape is full of threats and new ones are emerging.  This makes it increasingly difficult for businesses to protect themselves and their supply chains from cyberattacks.  One way to mitigate supply chain risk is to implement a global cybersecurity rating system.  This would allow businesses to assess the security posture of their suppliers and identify any potential risks.

Could there be a service/system where businesses could simply check a rating to see how secure their s

12269272496?profile=RESIZE_400xAs October is winding down, we turn our focus to Training.  October 2023 marks the 20th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month.  While it was initially founded as a national movement in the US, Cybersecurity Awareness Month has since grown into a global initiative.  And for good reason.  Today's cybersecurity market is suffering from a skills gap of 3.4 million trained professionals, with security practitioners being overwhelmed by a continuous onslaught of increasingly sophisticated attacks while

12239558474?profile=RESIZE_400xTo celebrate the 20th Cybersecurity Awareness Month, CISA has launched a new program, meant to promote four critical actions that businesses and individuals can take to improve cybersecurity.  Since 2004, October has been dedicated to raising awareness on the importance of cybersecurity for both private and public sectors, as part of a collaborative effort between government and industry.  This year, CISA is introducing Secure Our World, an initiative to deliver an “enduring message” to be integ

12160815262?profile=RESIZE_400xProtecting your online safety has never been more crucial in today’s digital age, where cybercriminals and hackers lurk around every virtual corner.  The reality of cybersecurity threats, ranging from identity theft to malicious software attacks, can leave us feeling vulnerable and exposed.  However, there is hope! In this blog post, we will explore some of the common cyber threats you may encounter and delve into the crucial role that online security consultants play in safeguarding your digita

12167758463?profile=RESIZE_400xAs the use and dependence on computers and software grow, so do the threats facing businesses of being hacked or becoming a victim of ransomware, where a company is locked out of a system until they pay a ransom.  In some cases, even if a company pays the ransom, it may still experience irreparable damage to its systems, network and reputation.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Crime Compliant Center (IC3), ransomware is one of the biggest and most frequent threats to busi

12164561889?profile=RESIZE_400xCHRO Daily has shared some cyber security matters that keep experts awake at night.  Their goal was finding out what was top of mind for the world’s preeminent HR heads. Luckily, many leaders were willing to share their deepest motivations and frustrations of the job.  Below are some of the more impactful answers CHRO Daily received about their most significant concerns and preoccupations in the space.[1]

These interviews have been edited and condensed for clarity.

Allison Rutledge-Parisi, senio

11453133500?profile=RESIZE_400xAt a time when vessels and other critical maritime infrastructure are becoming increasingly connected to IT systems, less than half (40%) of maritime professionals think their organization is investing enough in cyber security, according to new research from DNV.[1]  While the maritime industry has focused on enhancing IT security over recent decades, said the class society, the security of operational technology (OT) – which manages, monitors, controls and automates physical assets – is ‘a more

11176376301?profile=RESIZE_400xAs the digital realm expands and thrives, so does the perverse world of cybercrime.  If current trends continue, the annual cost of cyber-attacks is projected to escalate to $10.5 trillion by 2025, a staggering 300% increase from 2015.

Faced with this ongoing cyber assault, organizations worldwide are expected to shell out $1.75 trillion on cybersecurity measures from 2021 to 2025, which represents 15% year-over-year growth.  Yet even this may not be enough to combat the problem.  A recent surve

11031054063?profile=RESIZE_400xIt is a worrying fact that, while digital technology is transforming both our personal lives and our interactions with companies and government, it is also making us increasingly susceptible to fraud and other crimes.  According to the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Defense Agency, 47% of American adults have had their information exposed online from cyber criminals.  There is no reason to suspect that the picture is much different elsewhere.  Even those organizations that might be

11026158267?profile=RESIZE_400xAs with other sports worldwide, the current National Basketball Association (NBA) scheduling involves technology and IT services, highlighting their critical role in the sports industry.  With so much data at their disposal, sports organizations have the power to make informed decisions and improve performance.  However, this also makes them a lucrative target for cybercriminals, increasingly targeting the sector.

So, Why Do Sports Organizations Get Hacked?  With cyber-attacks occurring daily an