us congress (5)

12633192892?profile=RESIZE_400xOn 1 May 2024 the CEO of United Health Group was invited to Washington, DC to spend the day getting raked over the coals by US Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and others at a meeting titled “Hacking America’s Health Care: Assessing the Change Healthcare Cyber Attack and What’s Next.”  Wyden set the tone early when he described the UNH cyber incident this way, “The Change Healthcare hack is considered by many to be the biggest cybersecurity disruption to heal

12420201687?profile=RESIZE_400xData security continues to cause angst and thus the US House of Representatives has reportedly banned congressional staffers from using Microsoft’s AI coding assistant, Copilot.  This comes just weeks after Microsoft announced the official public release of AI Copilot on 14 March 2024.

The ban, implemented by the House’s Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor, reportedly stems from concerns about potential data leakage.  According to Axios, Szpindor’s office believes AI Copilot “poses a

10826720674?profile=RESIZE_400xSeveral members of the US Congress called on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on 21 September to do more to protect the privacy of domain registration information.  US Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and US Representative Anna G. Eshoo (D-Calif.) led a group of lawmakers in criticizing the NTIA for not protecting the “highly sensitive” personal information used to register for .US domains.  The records contain usernames, addresses, phone numbers and email addresse

9817896295?profile=RESIZE_400xThere was an old 60’s movie called, The Spy who came in from the Cold.  Well the FBI could be sidelined in new cybersecurity legislation and left out in the cyber security cold.  In the view of America’s most powerful law enforcement agency, that could be a big problem.

In testimony to the US Congress, the current assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division, said that the Biden administration is “troubled” by legislation proposed by the US Senate and House Homeland Security committees requiri

8728826652?profile=RESIZE_400xA US Congressional Representative from the State of Washington recently reintroduced a bill that would create a nation-wide data privacy standard, to be enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), that in its latest version is intended to gather bipartisan support by addressing specific Republican concerns.  The Information Transparency and Personal Data Control Act, if passed, would replace a patchwork of current state laws and provide an influx of $350 million to the FTC’s budget to enforc