un (3)

12701432895?profile=RESIZE_400xThe United Nations' telecommunication agency condemned Russian interference in the satellite systems of several European countries.  Earlier this month, the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) received a series of complaints from Ukraine, France, Sweden, the Netherlands and Luxembourg about the Kremlin’s alleged satellite interference that has affected GPS signals and television channels.  The ITU reviewed these complaints and published a document Monday calling the practice “extrem

12428766264?profile=RESIZE_400xThe UN Security Council’s (UNSC) most recent Arria-formula meeting on a cyber-related topic occurred on 4 April 2024.  Organized by the Republic of Korea (ROK) and co-hosted by Japan and the United States (US), the session focused on the “Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape and Its Implications for The Maintenance of International Peace And Security.”  The informal meeting included interventions from more than 30 delegations preceded by technical briefings from Deputy to the High Representative for

11025972064?profile=RESIZE_400xIn the era of cyber wars, AI, and drones, wars are still being fought with 20th-century weapons that require massive amounts of ammunition.  Russia is sending a delegation to North Korea to offer food in exchange for weapons, US national security spokesman.  He said any arms deal between North Korea and Russia would violate UN Security Council resolutions.  The US has previously accused North Korea of supplying arms to the Russian military in Ukraine and the Wagner group of Russian mercenaries.