supply chain (51)

9404982272?profile=RESIZE_400xSupply chain networks have for some time been driven by technology over the years and have evolved accordingly.  The same technologies that make supply chains faster and more effective also threaten their cybersecurity. Supply chains have vulnerabilities along touchpoints with manufacturers, suppliers, and other service providers.

With constant global cyber threats, it is vital that companies involved in the supply chain understand risks and how to respond to them.  So, what is the best way to p

9271222487?profile=RESIZE_400xA recent cyber security blog by researcher Maahnoor Siddiqui, he provides a clear picture of the threats and vulnerabilities in the Transportation supply chain.  A concern shared by Red Sky Alliance.  Our 40-minute commute to work in the morning can feel like an insular event.  Whether it is by bus, train, ferry, or car; it can be hard to place this single event within the vast network of transit that occurs every day.  These small personal journeys make up a highly interconnected transportation

8929187069?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending 14 May 2021:

  • Red Sky Alliance observed 78 unique email accounts compromised with Keyloggers
  • Analysts identified 23,596 connections from new unique IP Addresses
  • 1,802 new IP addresses are participating in various Botnets
  • COVID-19 Lures Continue
  • RotaJakiro
  • Lemon Duck
  • Colonial Pipeline and DarkSide
  • US – Oil Supply Chain Repercussions
  • Belnet hit in Belgium
  • Rubin Design Bureau, Russian DIB
  • BoA upping Cyber Security Budgets
  • The “new” Normal, is it?

Link to full report:

8910810901?profile=RESIZE_400xThe U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Institute of Standards and Technology have released a report providing insights on how to enhance supply chain security in the wake of the SolarWinds attack.

The guidance released 28 April 2021, "Defending Against Software Supply Chain Attacks," offers recommendations on how to implement the NIST Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management Framework and the Secure Software Development Framework. "This resource provides in-depth re

8824223077?profile=RESIZE_400xThe US government is working to draw attention to supply chain vulnerabilities, an issue that received particular attention late last year after suspected Russian hackers gained access to federal agencies and private corporations by sneaking malicious code into widely used software. 

The US National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) recently warned that foreign hackers are increasingly targeting vendors and suppliers that work with the government to compromise their products in an e

8266337488?profile=RESIZE_400xAs the Covid virus marches on, many are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  Each day brings us a little closer to the approval and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in the US, UK and close in many other countries.  According to the US Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex M. Azar II, officials with Operation Warp Speed (OWS) report that 20 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine could be distributed this month.  ”We are planning to be ready when [an emergency-use authorization by

7962214498?profile=RESIZE_400xThe current US administration is signaling it will be updating the US government’s approach to its maritime cybersecurity strategy.  Cyber security priorities are being discussed to enhance and secure the US’ ability to ‘project power at sea and defend against adversarial cyberattacks.’  The plan involves a re-examination of the national approach to information sharing and better emphasizing the use of operational technologies in ports. 

Hackers at all tier levels have long targeted shipping fir

7812469654?profile=RESIZE_400xClose to 90 percent of all commerce is shipped via maritime transportation.  Lloyd’s of London report combined container throughput figures regarding the top 100 international ports grew by 2.5 percent in 2019.  Splash247 has posted an interesting article explaining that the Chinese government may be toying with supply chain data systems, creating concerns in maritime transportation. 

“There has been progress within the maritime and shipping sector in creating a digital maritime ecosystem that i

6325083890?profile=RESIZE_400xThere is a Russian saying that rings true in protecting entities against cyber threats, “I am not concerned about all of the wolves in Siberia, I am only concerned about the wolves that are now chasing my sleigh.”  The world is full of cyber threats, hackers and state sponsored cyber terrorists who are targeting governments, businesses, and organizations.  The way Red Sky Alliance can help the maritime industry and its supply chain is to focus on the cyber threats directly targeting a specific o

3724012340?profile=RESIZE_710xChina Coverage of Report on the Cyber Vulnerabilities of Asian Ports


Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has just released a report examining the economic losses expected if Asian port systems, including several in China, were subjected to a major cyber-attack.  This report did not assess the cyber vulnerabilities of Asian ports but rather postulated a major attack in order to calculate economic impact, with a focus on losses in the insurance industry.  The report concluded tha

The Air Force Institute of Technology[1] (AFIT) has releases free “Blockchain for Supply Chain” tools for supply chain professionals to learn about and use the power of block chain technology.  AFIT recently published a live blockchain application that can be accessed from any computer or smart phone, along with a complementary series of tutorial videos that presents blockchain simulation.  These videos can be used as a stand-alone classroom module, or the video and the blockchain website can be