agriculture (6)

12429050280?profile=RESIZE_400xWho wants to mess with the food supply?  Foreign adversaries and crooks, that’s who.  The US food and agriculture sector dealt with at least 167 ransomware attacks last year, according to a leading industry group.  In its first annual report, the Food and Agriculture-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Food and Ag-ISAC) said the industry was the seventh most targeted sector in the country, behind manufacturing, financial services and others.  Thus far in the first quarter of 2024, the secto

12227366685?profile=RESIZE_400xCyber security refers to every aspect of protecting a company or organization as well as its employees and assets from online threats.  For all of us in animal agriculture, cybersecurity is no longer just about avoiding those sketchy phishing emails or resetting our passwords.  It’s about being aware of our online presence and how that may make us vulnerable to individuals or groups looking to gain access to sensitive information with the intent to target our farms or companies.[1]

Recently, the

10909520278?profile=RESIZE_400xWith the threat of cyber-attacks increasing in the agriculture industry, some farmers differ if there is a need to secure data.  Jason Perdue farms and raises cattle in Eastern Nebraska said, “I don’t understand all of what’s out there and all of the possibility of what is at risk.”  He says he’s more concerned about livestock data than crop information. “I’m probably a little more concerned if something were to happen to our controlling system like the ventilation, feed or water in our livestoc

10448521073?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending on 29 April 2022:

  • Red Sky Alliance identified 10, 907 connections from new IP’s checking in with our Sinkholes
  • has issues
  • Analysts identified 3,698 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • Vice & Industrial Spy
  • US Agriculture under Attack
  • T-Mobile Hit (again)
  • Oil India LTD
  • Getting Annoyed?
  • Lapsus$

Link to full report: IR-22-119-001_weekly119.pdf


US Department of Agriculture (USDA) analysts have reported that China, with less than 20% of the world's population has managed to stockpile more than half of the globe's corn and other grains, leading to steep price increases across the planet and dropping more countries into famine.  COFCO Group, a major Chinese state-owned food processor, runs one of China's largest food stockpiling bases, at the port of Dalian, in the northeastern part of the country.  It stores beans and grains gathered fr

8874465853?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending 30 April 2021:

  • Beware of emails and trophies from Crystal Time
  • Red Sky Alliance identified 40,298 connections from new unique IP addresses connected to Sinkholes
  • Analysts identified 1,209 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • New FormBook Variant Delivered in Phishing Campaign
  • SMS Flubot campaign in Italy
  • Dear John: Farm Equipment
  • US Agriculture Sector
  • SickCodes
  • Taylors Wines – Hit
  • Kawasaki Heavy Equipment – Hit
  • Protesting the MoMA, huh?

Link to full