trickbot (23)

12634541464?profile=RESIZE_400xLaw enforcement agencies in the United States and Europe announced on 30 May Operation Endgame, a coordinated action against some of the most popular cybercrime platforms for delivering ransomware and data-stealing malware.  Titled: “the largest ever operation against botnets,” the international effort is being billed as the opening salvo in an ongoing campaign targeting advanced malware “droppers” or “loaders” like IcedIDSmokeloader and Trickbot.

Link to full report: IR-24-151-001_OPendgame.p

12389946898?profile=RESIZE_400xThe infamous malware loader and initial access broker known as Bumblebee has resurfaced after a four-month absence as part of a new phishing campaign observed in February 2024. The enterprise security firm Proofpoint reported that the activity targets organizations in the US with voicemail-themed lures containing links to OneDrive URLs.  "The URLs led to a Word file with names such as "ReleaseEvans#96.docm" (the digits before the file extension varied)," the company said in a recent report.  "Th

10515484081?profile=RESIZE_400xMalware has become an industry segment and professional developers are found to exchange, steal each other’s code and engage in collaborations. Attacks are multi-layer with diverse sophisticated software apps taking over different jobs along the attack chain from initial compromise to ultimate data exfiltration or encryption. The specific tools for each stage are highly specialized and can often be rented as a service such as Malware as a Service (MaaS0), including customer support and subscript

10150931055?profile=RESIZE_400xCyber threat investigators believe the infamous TrickBot malware has reached its limits, but its development team appears to have been “acquired” by the Conti ransomware gang, which has been thriving amid recent crackdowns.  TrickBot has been around since 2016.  It was initially a banking trojan designed to steal financial data, but it evolved into a modular stealer that could target a wide range of information.  See:


10065308262?profile=RESIZE_400xThe cybercrime operators behind the notorious TrickBot malware have once again upped the ante by fine-tuning its techniques by adding multiple layers of defense to slip past antimalware products.  "As part of that escalation, malware injections have been fitted with added protection to keep researchers out and get through security controls," IBM Trusteer said in a report. "In most cases, these extra protections have been applied to injections used in the process of online banking fraud TrickBot'

10029452898?profile=RESIZE_400xThe US Department of Justice (DOJ) authorities first became aware of Diavol ransomware in October 2021.  Diavol is allegedly associated with developers from the Trickbot Group, who are responsible for the Trickbot Banking Trojan.  Diavol encrypts files solely using an RSA encryption key, and its code is capable of prioritizing file types to encrypt based on a pre-configured list of extensions defined by the attacker.  While ransom demands have ranged from $10,000 to $500,000, Diavol actors have

9913748094?profile=RESIZE_400xThe operators of TrickBot malware have infected an estimated 140,000 victims across 149 countries a little over a year after attempts were to dismantle its infrastructure.  The advanced Trojan is fast becoming an entry point for Emotet, another botnet that was taken down at the start of 2021.  Emotet is believed to have originated in the Ukraine is also known as Heodo which was first detected in 2014.  See:

Most of the victims d

9553661087?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending 10 September 2021:

  • Red Sky Alliance identified 47,398 connections from new unique IP addresses- Sinkholes
  • Analysts identified 1,034 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • 4 unique email accounts compromised with Keyloggers were used to log into Personal Accounts
  • Sality Malware Variant seen 42252 times this past week
  • Hive Ransomware Alert
  • FIN7 again
  • Microsoft and $20 billion in Cyber Security
  • South Korea and TrickBot Arrest
  • To SOAR, or to SIEM

9404982272?profile=RESIZE_400xSupply chain networks have for some time been driven by technology over the years and have evolved accordingly.  The same technologies that make supply chains faster and more effective also threaten their cybersecurity. Supply chains have vulnerabilities along touchpoints with manufacturers, suppliers, and other service providers.

With constant global cyber threats, it is vital that companies involved in the supply chain understand risks and how to respond to them.  So, what is the best way to p

8643112062?profile=RESIZE_400xA new version of the Ryuk ransomware is capable of worm-like self-propagation within a local network, researchers have recently found.  The variant first emerged in Windows-focused campaigns earlier in 2021, according to the French National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI). The agency said that it achieves self-replication by scanning for network shares, and then copying a unique version of the ransomware executable (with the file name rep.exe or lan.exe) to each of them as

8467395687?profile=RESIZE_400xAttacks involving million-dollar ransom demands attract headlines, but the payout is no longer the sole financial incentive for attackers. The exfiltration of critical data is a key motivator that can be used to extort victims into paying even larger fees to recover assets.  Data, including intellectual property such as research and patents, is often targeted by organized groups or as part of corporate espionage. Stealing this information and then coercing a business into paying to get access to

8399725677?profile=RESIZE_400xLast October 2020, researchers at US security company AdvIntel discovered that one of the Internet’s most troublesome malware platforms, Trickbot, had started testing something rather threatening: probing UEFI firmware chips inside targeted PCs to see whether they were vulnerable to known firmware vulnerabilities.  This was only reconnaissance, Trickbot was not infecting the SPI flash chip on which UEFI firmware resides, but the discovery is significant.

UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interfa

8263146099?profile=RESIZE_400xThe cybercriminal-controlled botnet known as TrickBot has become a public enemy number one (again) for the cybersecurity community. It has survived takedown attempts by Microsoft, analysts from leading cybersecurity firms, and even US Cyber Command. It now appears that the hackers behind TrickBot are trying a new technique to infect the deepest recesses of infected machines, reaching beyond their operating systems and into their firmware.

The security firms AdvIntel and Eclypsium revealed that t

8226972266?profile=RESIZE_400xDespite attempted to stop the criminal hacking group responsible for managing the Trickbot trojan, they continue malicious activities by introducing new versions that make this malware more difficult terminate.  Trickbot now can offer other malware with Access-as-a Service capabilities (AaaS).  Many cyber threat attacks start with a successful phishing campaign.  This allows for the Trickbot malware trojan to be used as a pathway for ransomware infections and Denial-of-Service Attacks (DDoS atta

8157019075?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending 13 November 2020:

  • Red Sky Alliance observed 67 unique email accounts compromised with Keyloggers
  • Analysts identified 42,222 connections from new unique IP addresses
  • 2,563 new IP addresses were observed Participating in various Botnets
  • Hezbollah is the Top Threat actor this week targeting Israel, US, Lebanon, Syria and Iran
  • TrickBot and BazarLoader
  • WatchBogMiner
  • Ransomware blocks electronic Stadium Entrances
  • A UK Premier League soccer club's Managing Director was H

8147870695?profile=RESIZE_400xAmerican toy manufacturing giant Mattel this week revealed that it fell victim to a ransomware attack that impacted some of its operations.  Founded in 1945 and headquartered in El Segundo, California, Mattel is one of the largest toy sellers in terms of revenue, with its operations divided into three segments, namely North America, International, and American Girl.  Mattel sells products such as Barbie, Fisher-Price, Monster High, American Girl, Polly Pocket, and Hot Wheels in 150 countries, an

8131297495?profile=RESIZE_400xThe number of attacks related to Emotet continue to spike after the dangerous botnet re-emerged over the summer with a fresh phishing and spam campaign that is primarily infecting devices with a banking Trojan, according to new research from HP-Bromium, an end-point security company.

Emotet is a malware strain and a cybercrime operation. The malware, also known as Geodo and Mealybug, was first detected in 2014 and remains active, deemed one of the most prevalent threats of 2019. First versions o

8041648453?profile=RESIZE_400xMicrosoft collaborated with cybersecurity companies and government agencies to take down the million-device Trickbot botnet to help protect the November 3rd US Presidential election and stop the global spread of ransomware and other malware. The botnet has been used to distribute a variety of malicious code, including the Ryuk ransomware variant, which the US government has cited as a potential threat vector against the election. 

Microsoft obtained a court order from the US District Court, East

7993726679?profile=RESIZE_400xCyber threat researchers have examined security incidents over the past several years that appear to connect North Korea's Lazarus Group with Russian speaking attackers.  A recent analysis has examined reports from years of security incidents to pinpoint links between Lazarus Group, historically tied to North Korea, and Russian-speaking cybercriminals.

In a summary of his findings, Mark Arena, CEO of security firm Intel 471, holds two generally accepted assumptions: that Lazarus Group is tied to