AI Humanoid Robots

12701959081?profile=RESIZE_400xAI is fueling a lot of wild ideas for our tech-driven future.  If everything pans out, we will not have to write our own essays, take our notes, or drive our cars.   But with AI’s rapid growth, it is hard not to give at least some of those lofty visions credence, even the most sci-fi ones, even Star Wars-level humanoid robots.  There are a lot of humanoid bots now and a lot more seemingly on the way, Figure’s AI robot, Unitree’s speed demon, Agility’s workhorse, but arguably most important of all is Tesla’s Optimus.

Musk is optimistic about future technologies.  Tesla introduced Optimus in 2023 with an interpretive dance. A lot has happened.  When Tesla and Musk talk, people listen regardless of their opinion of the pair.  If Musk says robots are on the way, maybe they are, and that added confidence gives other non-Tesla upstarts more opportunities as well.[1]


While Musk and Tesla have paved the way with their fuel to the humanoid robot fire, AI is an equally powerful hype train that is doing the same thing concurrently.  AI, specifically large language models (LLMs) like the ones that power ChatGPT, is opening a world of possibilities for what people think humanoid robots are capable of.  That means making them more collaborative, helping them understand commands more efficiently, and maybe more importantly, making them feel more human.   Figure’s robot, for example, functions in many ways like every other humanoid robot, but when paired with ChatGPT, things start to look truly futuristic.

Chatbots make things look functional on the surface, but in practice, the results are rocky.  However, even as proof of concept, it is clear AI has a place in the humanoid robot future, and there is interest in figuring out what that place is.  It is as essential as making a robot with the fine motor skills to fold a shirt properly, but if these things are going to be in your home, they should have manners, too.

There are many more factors than just Tesla and AI at play regarding the popularity of humanoid robots.  Research paved years ago by companies like Boston Dynamics and the prospect of bots’ factory applications have been equally pivotal.  Humanoid robots feel like they have found themselves in front of an even bigger and brighter spotlight; it’s not just Tesla putting them there. Nvidia is getting into the game and providing its expertise with systems like GR00T to help robots train themselves.  Similarly, OpenAI seems interested in the robotics game, and there’s a job opening.


It is hard to say what will come of all the attention, but if history is an example, money and hype usually mean progress.

This article is presented at no charge for educational and informational purposes only.

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