During these current and uncertain times, who can you trust for updated, reliable and virus free information on the Coronavirus? A safe reliable source is InfraGard. InfraGard National is an FBI-affiliated nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening national security, community resilience and the foundation of American life. InfraGard is one of the FBI’s longest-running outreach programs and its largest public/private partnership, with over 60,000 members representing 77 InfraGard chapt
healthcare (22)
DNATools Inc. application dnaLIMS is a “state-of-the art web-based laboratory information management system used to track and manage (scientific DNA research)”. It is commonly used by researchers in labs and universities around the world. In 2017, multiple vulnerabilities were discovered in this software. After the vendor was notified, their response indicates these vulnerabilities will not be fixed. It has been confirmed that these vulnerabilities still exist in the software and attack