ferrari (4)

12637894052?profile=RESIZE_400xIn an increasingly interconnected world, supply chain attacks have emerged as a formidable threat, compromising not just individual organizations but the broader digital ecosystem.  The web of interdependencies among businesses, especially for software and IT vendors, provides fertile ground for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities.  By targeting one weak link in the supply chain, threat actors can gain unauthorized access to sensitive information and can conduct malicious activities with s

11001051456?profile=RESIZE_400xItalian sports car maker Ferrari reported on 19 March that a threat actor had demanded a ransom related to customer contact details that may have been exposed in a ransomware attack.  “Upon receipt of the ransom demand, we immediately started an investigation in collaboration with a leading global third-party cybersecurity firm,” the iconic car maker said.  “In addition, we informed the relevant authorities and are confident they will investigate to the full extent of the law.”

The company did n

10843914886?profile=RESIZE_400xLast week, we reported an alleged cyber-attack on Italian automaker Ferrari.  Well, high end automaker has confirmed the leak of some internal documents but did not say how it happened.  On 10 October, RansomEXX, a ransomware-as-a-service operator, claimed to have breached Ferrari, though the company said it is investigating how the leak occurred.  Italy’s Red Hot Cyber reported that internal documents, including repair manuals, datasheets, etc., sizing up to 6.99 gigabytes, were leaked.  Ransom

10836457279?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending on 7 October 2022:

  • Red Sky Alliance identified 24,201 connections from new IP’s checking in with our Sinkholes
  • Pptechnology Limited in Romania hit 485x
  • Analysts identified 1,163 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • Royal Ransomware
  • Phishing Microsoft
  • US National Elections
  • Vice Society
  • New Zealand Attack
  • Ferrari Issues

Link to full report: IR-22-281-001_weekly281.pdf