mexico (2)

10836457279?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending on 7 October 2022:

  • Red Sky Alliance identified 24,201 connections from new IP’s checking in with our Sinkholes
  • Pptechnology Limited in Romania hit 485x
  • Analysts identified 1,163 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • Royal Ransomware
  • Phishing Microsoft
  • US National Elections
  • Vice Society
  • New Zealand Attack
  • Ferrari Issues

Link to full report: IR-22-281-001_weekly281.pdf

9108931689?profile=RESIZE_400xMexican media sources are reporting that hacktivist Christopher Doyon, known as 'Commander X', was captured in Mexico and extradited to the United States, where he faces over a decade's worth of criminal hacking charges.  Doyan now claims that he was illegally handed over to the US authorities and is claiming political asylum in Mexico. 

"Please tell the world that I was illegally handed over from Mexico, where I had political asylum and where I was a humanitarian refugee.  I was illegally taken