researchers (2)

12224754080?profile=RESIZE_400xGoogle’s threat hunting unit has again intercepted an active North Korean APT actor sliding into the DMs of security researchers and using zero-days and rigged software tools to take control of their computers.  Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) recently reported the government-backed hacking team’s social media accounts and warned that at least one actively exploited zero-day is being used and is currently unpatched.[1]


12164561889?profile=RESIZE_400xCHRO Daily has shared some cyber security matters that keep experts awake at night.  Their goal was finding out what was top of mind for the world’s preeminent HR heads. Luckily, many leaders were willing to share their deepest motivations and frustrations of the job.  Below are some of the more impactful answers CHRO Daily received about their most significant concerns and preoccupations in the space.[1]

These interviews have been edited and condensed for clarity.

Allison Rutledge-Parisi, senio