lastpass (3)

10993499496?profile=RESIZE_400xIn early September of 2022, we reported on a security incident that occurred at LastPass in late August.  As a reminder, LastPass is a password manager, which is software intended to facilitate encrypted password storage with easy retrieval.  Other popular password managers include BitWarden, Dashlane, and 1Password.  LastPass is very possible among the more well-known password managers and has had several security incidents even before the incident we reported on in September.  Unfortunately, t

10802052669?profile=RESIZE_400xAt its core, LastPass is a password manager.  A password manager is a software service that allows users to store encrypted passwords so they can be accessed easily when they are needed.  LastPass is indeed very popular, but it is only one of many widely known password managers, each with their own features, advantages, and disadvantages.  Other commonly known password managers include BitWarden, Dashlane, 1Password.

The apparent necessity for password managers has been prompted by the fact that