uae (4)

12258730486?profile=RESIZE_400xThe United States and United Arab Emirates (UAE) have finalized an agreement that sets out how the two countries will cooperate on cybersecurity and digital resilience.  The memorandum of understanding signed by the Treasury Department and the UAE’s Cyber Security Council calls for increased information sharing about digital threats to the financial sector; more staff training and visits; and “competency-building activities” like joint online exercises, according to the Treasury.[1]

“As cyber-at

12227252865?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Iranian threat actor Charming Kitten has been linked to a new wave of attacks targeting different entities in Brazil, Israel, and the UAE using a previously undocumented backdoor named Sponsor.  Cybersecurity investigators are tracking the cluster under the name Ballistic Bobcat.  Victimology patterns suggest that the group primarily singles out education, government, healthcare organizations, human rights activists, and journalists.  At least 34 victims of Sponsor have been detected to date

10921669465?profile=RESIZE_400xNorth Korea’s BlueNoroff hackers have updated their strategies and delivery techniques in a new wave of attacks targeting banks and venture capital firms according to cyber threat investigators.  Part of Lazarus, a hacking group linked to the North Korean government, BlueNoroff is financially motivated and has been blamed for numerous cyber-attacks targeting banks, cryptocurrency firms, and other financial institutions.

The campaign by BlueNoroff has been in operation at least since 2017.  It us

9588575488?profile=RESIZE_400xWhat if three disgruntled employees left your organization and took top secret information to a competing company?  What repercussions would follow and how would it impact your business?  In many cases, there would be a lawsuit. In this case, there was federal prosecution and a cybersecurity threat.

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) released a shocking statement on 16 September 2021, which explains the scenario at the federal level. Three men, who formerly worked for the US intelligence communi