sase (3)

 12665919293?profile=RESIZE_400xThe single-vendor SASE market is immature and dynamic but developing rapidly. I&O leaders responsible for networking should work with their security colleagues when selecting SASE vendors and use this research to cut through marketing hype to determine which vendors best suit their needs.

Strategic Planning Assumptions - By 2025, there will be over a 50% increase in vendors with generally available single-vendor SASE offerings compared to mid-2023.  By 2026, 60% of new SD-WAN purchases will be

12391833857?profile=RESIZE_400xOver the past several years, organizations have been engaged in expanding their multi-edge networking strategies to not only enable new work-from-anywhere (WFA) realities but also support workers as they become increasingly dependent on cloud applications and environments to do their jobs.  However, as these networks grow to meet new business demands, the attack surface increases.[1]

The result is a growing gap between network functionality and security coverage that not only inherently exposes

12324084900?profile=RESIZE_400xRansomware isn’t new, yet organizations still struggle to guard against this threat.  According to the Fortinet 2023 Global Ransomware Report, in 12 months, two-thirds of organizations were targeted by ransomware, with half of those falling victim to an attack.  As attackers advance their tactics, security and IT leaders must prepare for the inevitability of a ransomware attack.  It is no longer a matter of “if” a business will be breached but “when.”  Along with business leaders, those in the C