Have you heard of the British mathematician, Andrew Wiles? You could say he was into numbers. In 1637 Pierre de Fermat developed a theorem that stated that there can be no integer greater than 2 that satisfied the equation an+bn=cn. Fermat died before he wrote down the proof. For over 350 years, not one mathematician could provide the proof. However, in 1995, after a seven-year effort, Andrew Wiles published the proof using algebraic geometry and number theory. Who cares, right. Keep read
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The threat actors behind the Darcula Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) platform appear to be preparing a new version that allows prospective customers and cyber actors to clone any brand's legitimate website and create a phishing version, further bringing down the technical expertise required to pull off phishing attacks at scale. The latest iteration of the phishing suite "represents a significant shift in criminal capabilities, reducing the barrier to entry for bad actors to target any brand with
One of the most used Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) platforms, LabHost, has been closed by an international group of law enforcement authorities coordinated by Europol. London's Metropolitan Police have been working with Europol on an operation to infiltrate and close down a website used by more than 2,000 criminals to defraud victims worldwide in their latest joint operation to tackle large-scale online fraud. Now, 37 suspects have been arrested as part of the international operation led by Eu