There was once an unwritten moral code among cyber hackers that they would never attack vulnerable businesses like health care. Well, those disingenuous hacker ethics are out the door; have been for awhile. After dealing with the hack of the UK’s NHS controlled ambulance service last week[1], malicious hackers are now holding an IT firm that supplies NHS ‘trusts’ to ransom following a cyber-attack. NHS trusts are public sector bodies established by parliamentary order through the UK Secretary
health care (3)
Several cyber-attacks were prevented by Israel’s Health Ministry’s Cyber Security Center over this past weekend, the Health Ministry reported on 17 October. Some 627 cyberattacks per organization were observed in Israel’s health sector – 72% more than the average on previous weekends, Check Point said. These attacks are more than in any other sector, where there was an average of 267 attacks per organization and no significant increase, the cyber security firm noted.[1]
Barzilai Medical Center
It is clearly proven on a daily/hourly basis that cyber-attacks will not slow down; with ransomware leading the hacker’s choice of malware techniques. So, who really loses in these attacks? In most cases, the business and corporate owners. A million dollar ransom of frozen networks, even if negotiated down, will put many companies on their heels, if not out of business.
A pair of recent lawsuits have been filed on behalf of former and current Scripps Health (Scripps) patients, who allege the