casino (2)

13301138694?profile=RESIZE_400xAs soon as transactions of data and money started to become commonplace on the internet criminals sensed a whole new vista opening up to them.  Since then, it has been a constant game of cat and mouse trying to stay one step ahead of the cybercriminals, too often with the hackers coming out on top.

According to the figures there were over 2,300 attacks recorded in 2023.  That might not sound too serious.  But the nature of an attack means that many people are affected by each one.  In this case

12258182092?profile=RESIZE_400xIn a US Securities and Exchange Commission 8-K disclosure filing on 05 October 2023, MGM Resorts reported losing around $100 million after the 11 September 2023 breach incident.

In an open letter published recently, MGM CEO Bill Hornbuckle said that "the vast majority of our systems have been restored," adding, "We also believe that this attack is contained.  As part of our remediation efforts, we have rebuilt, restored, and further strengthened portions of our IT environment.[1]  We will offer