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12645352486?profile=RESIZE_400xThe revelation earlier this year that General Motors had been selling driver behavior patterns to data brokers, who in turn packaged and resold it to insurers, has led at least one of two major data brokers to shut down its related product.  That data broker, Verisk, disclosed last month that it has stopped accepting data from car makers and no longer sells the information to insurers, according to the organization Privacy4Cars, which received the response after sending the data broker an inquir

12643915656?profile=RESIZE_400xIn an effort to shore up its reputation in the West, TikTok has taken measures to stop a cyber-attack targeting several brands and celebrity accounts, including news network CNN.  A spokesperson for the company said, "We have been collaborating closely with CNN to restore account access and implement enhanced security measures to safeguard their account moving forward."  TikTok said the number of accounts compromised is "very small" and it is working with affected account owners to restore acces