tr-23-106-001 (2)

11029716076?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Polish government warns that a cyberespionage group linked to Russia's intelligence services targets diplomatic and foreign ministries from NATO and EU member states in an ongoing campaign that uses previously undocumented malware payloads.  The group, known in the security industry as APT29, Cozy Bear, and NOBELIUM, is believed to be part of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and is the group behind the 2020 supply chain attack against software company SolarWinds that led to the co

11029840082?profile=RESIZE_400xThe US military forces used to actively recruit candidates who were avid gamers, due to their expertise in on-line problem solving and keyboard skills.  Now, on-line gaming forums have become a particular worry of the military because of their lure for young service members.  In many US military base recreation halls you will see it; young troops immersed in the world of online games, using government-funded gaming machines or their own consoles.[1]

The enthusiasm military personnel have for gam