romance (2)

10623002855?profile=RESIZE_400xIf you were one of the millions of people who watched Netflix's The Tinder Swindler, you may have shaken your head in wonder at how women could be allegedly hoodwinked out of millions of dollars.  People fall for these scams for the same reasons that they fall prey to cold-call scam texts claiming that their loved one is in hospital and fees urgently need to be paid: When emotions are involved, rational thinking can go out of the window.


Simon Leviev,

8592620480?profile=RESIZE_400xThe age-old trick of romance scams remains real and is getting worse.  The number of people being targeted by fake relationship-seekers has drastically spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Why? People are lonely and clever criminals play on this new phenomenon.  Romance scams remain the most successful fraud strategy for cybercriminals and represent a growing arena of opportunity; this according to the Federal Trade Commission. During 2020, romance schemes accounted for a record $304 million ra