piracy (2)

12494002075?profile=RESIZE_400xShipping is increasingly subject to growing volatility and uncertainties from war and geopolitical events, climate change risks, such as drought in the Panama Canal, and the resurgence of piracy.  Allianz Commercial marine experts look at some of the major consequences, including the effect on crew, the prospect of more cyber-attacks and drone strikes, the threat the rise of the ‘shadow fleet’ poses to vessels and the environment, as well as the multi-faceted impacts of rerouting.

Recent inciden

12310716294?profile=RESIZE_400xCybersecurity threats to the global supply chain have been well-documented in recent years, and sea-faring trade is no exception.  Shipping ports are being targeted by modern day digital pirates seeking to disrupt supply chains with targeted, sophisticated cyberattacks.

Long gone are the days when a commercial ship crew considered a rudimentary GPS system to be the sole state-of-the-art technology onboard.  Today, the maritime industry depends on smart AI systems and IoT devices that go beyond s