oil (2)

13417519469?profile=RESIZE_400xA potentially catastrophic ransomware attack on Costa Rica’s largest oil refinery last year was the first real-world test of the US State Department’s new rapid response tool for cybersecurity incidents, according to a top diplomat.  The department’s cyber bureau tapped the Foreign Assistance Leveraged for Cybersecurity Operational Needs, or FALCON, one of several US initiatives developed to bolster allies and infuse global digital norms with American values.  “Our goal was to provide swift and

10063274065?profile=RESIZE_400xShell Deutschland GmbH is reporting it was able to "reroute to alternative supply depots for the time being," said Shell.  The company’s Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH and mineral oil dealer Mabanaft was hit by a cyber-attack which disrupted its IT systems and supply chain.  The attack allegedly took place on 31 January 2022.   

Royal Dutch Shell said today it was re-routing oil supplies to other depots following a cyber-attack on two subsidiaries of German logistics firm Marquard & Bahls this week