kaspersky (6)

12639836274?profile=RESIZE_400xIt is being reported that Apple has declined to issue a bug bounty to the Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab.  This after it disclosed four zero-day vulnerabilities in iPhone software that were allegedly used to spy on Kaspersky employees as well as Russian diplomats.

A spokesperson for Kaspersky Lab said that the company’s research team considered their work “eligible for Bug Bounty rewards from Apple. However, when asked about it, we received a decline from the Apple Security team ref

12336350453?profile=RESIZE_400xCybersecurity researchers have discovered 18 malicious loan apps for Android on the Google Play Store that have been downloaded over 12 million times.  Despite their attractive appearance, these services are designed to defraud users by offering them high-interest-rate loans endorsed with deceitful descriptions, all while collecting their victims' personal and financial information to blackmail them and ultimately gain their funds.

The cybersecurity investigators are tracking these apps under Sp

11026591064?profile=RESIZE_400xKaspersky has identified a new trend in phishing techniques, with threat actors increasingly utilizing Telegram to automate their activities and provide various services.  In a recent advisory, Kaspersky, one of their web content analysts, revealed that phishers create Telegram channels to educate their audience about phishing and share links to these channels via YouTube, GitHub, and phishing kits.  Many channels offer tools to automate malicious workflows, such as generating phishing pages or

10997028665?profile=RESIZE_400xAccording to researchers, two out of every five (40.6%) operational technology (OT) computers used in industrial settings were affected by malware in 2022.  The data comes from a report published recently by security researchers at Kaspersky.  The figures represent a 6% increase compared with the previous half of the year and almost 1.5 times more than in the second half of 2021.

“Overall, 2022 stands out for its abnormal absence of seasonal changes.  Our team observed a steadily high rate of at

10243831088?profile=RESIZE_400xThe US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has added Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab to its list of entities that pose an “unacceptable risk to US national security,” according to a report from Bloomberg.  This is the first time a Russian company has been added to the list, which is otherwise made up of Chinese companies, like Huawei and ZTE.[1]

Businesses in the US are barred from using federal subsidies provided through the FCC’s Universal Service Fund to purchase any products

10237187095?profile=RESIZE_192XFor years, cyber threat professionals have warned against installing Kaspersky on any computer.  Now, German cybersecurity agency BSI on 16 March 2022 urged consumers not to use anti-virus software made by Russia's Kaspersky, warning the firm could be implicated in hacking assaults amid Russia's war in Ukraine.   Russia's military and intelligence activities in Ukraine, and its threats to EU and NATO allies, particularly Germany, mean there is "a considerable risk of a successful IT attack", the