ftp (2)

11038590074?profile=RESIZE_400xA new "All-in-One" stealer malware named EvilExtractor (also spelled Evil Extractor) is being marketed to other threat actors to steal data and files from Windows systems.  It includes several modules that all work via an FTP service.  The new stealer also contains environment checking and Anti-VM functions. Its primary purpose seems to be to steal browser data and information from compromised endpoints and then upload it to the attacker's FTP server."

The researchers said they observed a surge

11035567694?profile=RESIZE_400xEvilExtractor (sometimes spelled Evil Extractor) is an attack tool designed to target Windows operating systems and extract data and files from endpoint devices. It includes several modules that all work via an FTP service.  It was developed by Kodex, which claims it is an educational tool. However, research conducted by FortiGuard Labs shows cybercriminals are actively using it as an info stealer.

Based on our traffic source data to the host, evilextractor[.]com, malicious activity increased si