eia (2)

12754183462?profile=RESIZE_400xAs renewable energy generation expands across the US, the federal government is becoming more concerned about vulnerabilities in new systems being a target for cyberattacks.  The US FBI recently warned the US private sector and individual owners of renewable power of the potential for hacks, saying that reductions in the cost of implementing energy infrastructure and increased clean energy incentives will not only attract investors but also the attention of cybercriminals.

Government incentives,

8326228084?profile=RESIZE_400xWith the new incoming US government and other international countries looking seriously at renewable energy sources; so are hackers, who are no fools and are researching ways to compromise the future of energy.  The ‘rush’ to renewable energy technology may open multiple cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities if caution is not placed on cyber security and these energy source developments. 

Quick developing solar and wind technologies present new risks to power grid security, especially as sma