belt and road (2)

5023819282?profile=RESIZE_400xThere is a vigorous debate among geopolitical and military scholars if, and when China will invade Taiwan.  At the beginning of the Corona Virus pandemic, many believed that the timing could be ripe for China to militarily invade the island nation of Taiwan.  This a long sought-after prize to “reunite China.”

Link to full Report: TR-20-134-001_China Taiwan hotwarFINAL.pdf


Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have met twice already in 2019 for summits on economic cooperation.  A series of agreements has been concluded at these meetings, mostly focused on Russian cooperation on China’s Belt and Road infrastructure construction. Putin had initially been hesitant to join in these projects, probably because he saw them as China extending its influence into Central Asia, traditionally under Russian influence.  Now Putin is speaking