Activity Summary - Week Ending 6 November 2020:
- Red Sky Alliance observed 60 unique email accounts compromised with Keyloggers
- A University of Albert professor may be Keylogged
- Analysts identified 44,623 connections from new unique IP addresses
- Collection identified 3,097 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
- Ryuk Evolving Its Encryption and Evasion TTPs
- GravityRAT
- Eastern European cybercriminal group Attacking Health Care Services
- FBI warns of an "imminent" increase in Ransomware and other cyberattacks against Hospitals
- University of Vermont Health Network Attacked
- Статья - Критическая инфраструктура - разведка медицинских учреждений
- SingHealth RedXray Report
- ‘When They Call You a Terrorist’
Link to full report: IR-20-311-001-Tactical Cyber Brief311 mckee.pdf