uvm (2)

9303968686?profile=RESIZE_400xLast October, the information technology (IT) department at the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVM) began receiving reports of malfunctioning computer systems across its network.  Employees reported they were having trouble logging into business and clinical applications.  Some reported the systems were not working at all. Within a few hours, the IT department began to suspect the hospital was experiencing a cyberattack.   At that time, the possibility was very much a reality to the IT te

8130485055?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending 6 November 2020:

  • Red Sky Alliance observed 60 unique email accounts compromised with Keyloggers
  • A University of Albert professor may be Keylogged
  • Analysts identified 44,623 connections from new unique IP addresses
  • Collection identified 3,097 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • Ryuk Evolving Its Encryption and Evasion TTPs
  • GravityRAT
  • Eastern European cybercriminal group Attacking Health Care Services
  • FBI warns of an "imminent" increase in Ransomware a