whispergate (3)

12737686687?profile=RESIZE_400xA Russian was charged with conspiring to hack and destroy computer systems and data in Ukraine and allied countries, including the United States, the US Justice Department (DoJ) announced in June 2024, offering a $10 million reward for information.   Amin Timovich Stigal, a 22-year-old Russian national, has been indicted in Maryland, US, for his alleged role in staging destructive cyber-attacks against Ukraine and its allies in the days leading to Russia's full-blown military invasion of Ukraine

10961092070?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Russian hacking group known as 'Nodaria' (UAC-0056) is using a new information-stealing malware called 'Graphiron' to steal data from Ukrainian organizations.  The Go-based malware can harvest a wide range of information, including account credentials, system, and app data.  The malware will also capture screenshots and exfiltrate files from compromised machines.  Symantec's threat research team discovered that Nodaria has been using Graphiron in attacks since at least October 2022 through m

10035854891?profile=RESIZE_400xThe US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced on 20 January 2022, to strengthen its Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards by requiring internal network security monitoring (INSM) for high and medium impact bulk electric system cyber systems.

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposes to direct the North American Electric Reliability Corporation to develop and submit new or modified Reliability Standards to address a gap in the current standards.[1]