tr-24-199-001 (2)

12739593899?profile=RESIZE_400xAt least a dozen organizations with domain names at domain registrar Squarespace saw their websites hijacked last week.  Squarespace bought all assets of Google Domains a year ago, but many customers still haven’t set up their new accounts.  Experts say malicious hackers learned they could commandeer any migrated Squarespace accounts that hadn’t yet been registered, merely by supplying an email address tied to an existing domain.  Until this past weekend, Squarespace’s website had an option to l

12738063680?profile=RESIZE_400xDestructive cyber-attacks such as ransomware and wiper attacks are forcing a culture change within organizations as teams need to come together to build resilience.  In many organizations, the CIO and CISO and their teams pursue their own, sometimes conflicting, goals and maintain their own cultures and methods.  But to build resilience to attacks, security and IT operations must work much better together.

Historically CISOs primarily had to deal with incidents of data theft, or more accurately