sextortion (2)

10961706484?profile=RESIZE_400xWith Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, threat actors will be attempting to prey on individuals seeking companionship or romance.  Our friends at the NJCCIC continues to receive reports of sextortion incidents in which victims are threatened with the release of compromising or sexually explicit photos or videos if an extortion payment is not made.  Some sextortion threats are not credible, as threat actors are unable to provide proof of such photos or videos.  However, there is an increase in

Red Sky Alliance (RSAC) members have reported seeing and, or receiving fake sextortion scams.  These scam emails typically provide old password that was used by the user.  These emails are an attempt to extort money, claiming the sender has compromising information indicating the user was involved in viewing pornographic sites.  The sender claims to have compromising video recordings of the user and alleges to have additional “stolen secrets” of a compromising sexual nature.  An RSAC member in t