russian hacking (3)

9738659095?profile=RESIZE_400xUkrainian authorities have detain a criminal gang who laundered funds for Russian hacking groups.  Ukraine’s national police detained suspects on 25 October 2021, for stealing funds from cryptocurrency wallets and laundering profits for cybercrime organizations.   

The arrests took place as part of a joint investigation with US authorities, the Ukrainian National Police (NPU) said in a press release.  An undisclosed number of suspects were detained following house searchers across the country.


8304247269?profile=RESIZE_400xUS federal authorities issued a warning on 17 December 2020 that Russian hackers used an expansive variety of malicious cyber tools to penetrate US government systems and said that the cyber offensive was, “a grave risk to the federal government.”  These cyber findings indicate a wider range of hacking, which appears to extend beyond nuclear research laboratories and the US Pentagon, Treasury and Commerce Department systems.  This expansion of cyber capabilities is complicating challenges for US

3810783521?profile=RESIZE_710xAfter the Russians were banned from the Olympics for another four years in a unanimous decision from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the immediate reaction from Russia was fury and denial.  So now everyone is waiting to see how Russia will respond.

In 2016, Red Sky Alliance analysts reported on the Russian retaliation when Russia was banned from the Olympics for steroid use.  2016 saw unprecedented Russian physical, cyber and physiological interference into the US presidential election, but