reconafrica (2)

7968702886?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending 25 September 2020:

  • Analysts identified 3,021 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • Red Sky Alliance observed 56 unique email accounts compromised with Keyloggers
  • RSAC identified 46,283 connections from new unique IP addresses
  • Winnti Group and the Shadowpad Backdoor
  • Baka JavaScript Skimmer Stealing Credit Card Data
  • Zap Energy – Zapped
  • OIL / GAS vs. Renewable Energy
  • $40.00 a Barrel, Stagnant + -
  • Libya pumping Oil
  • ReconAfrica targeted by Environmentalists

6121817661?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending 19 June 2020:

  • Red Sky Alliance identified 69,939 connections from new unique IP addresses
  • Analysts identified 4,135 new IP addresses participating in various Botnets
  • Wabot leads the ‘Hits’ for Malware
  • Advertising Droppers and the Google Store
  • Higaisa APT
  • T-Mobile gets hit with a DDoS attack, that is…according to Anonymous
  • Oil Prices slow a Bit and the Corona Pandemic is still Active
  • ReconAfrica and Botswana
  • BP Shares falling
  • Pakistan investigating Black Marketing