hacker groups (2)

11072842080?profile=RESIZE_400xThe ongoing Magecart campaign has attracted the attention of cybersecurity researchers for leveraging realistic-looking fake payment screens to capture sensitive data entered by unsuspecting users.  The cyber threat actor used original logos from the compromised store and customized a web element known as a modal to hijack the checkout page perfectly.  Interestingly, the “skimmer” page looks more authentic than the original payment page.  It must be the improved graphics.[1]

The term Magecart is

10792932283?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Newcomer’s Guide to Cyber Threat Actor Naming (original article from 2018)

I was driven by a deep frustration when I started my public “APT Groups and Operations” spreadsheet in 2015.  I couldn’t understand why I had to handle so many different names for the same threat actor.  Today (2018), I understand the reasons for the different names and would like to explain to them so newcomers stop asking for standardization. Off the record: you just reveal a lack of insight by demanding complete st