gelsemium (2)

13186343875?profile=RESIZE_180x180So, the other day, I was walking down our main street, and I noticed a girl wearing bell-bottom pants. Wow, that takes me back to the late 1960s and into the ’70s. Everyone was wearing bell-bottom pants back then. I even had a few pairs myself. In truth, that fad started with sailors wearing bell-bottom pants. The British Navy began the “fad” in 1813, and the US Navy followed close behind. Was this fad coming back? Well, what is old often becomes new again. BTW, Wrangler sells women’s bellbottom

9110998469?profile=RESIZE_400xActivity Summary - Week Ending 18 June 2021:

  • Red Sky Alliance observed 39 unique email accounts compromised with Keyloggers
  • Analysts identified 43,797 connections from new unique IP Addresses
  • 2,102 new IP addresses were observed participating in various Botnets
  • New Agent Tesla Variant
  • Infostealer Malware
  • Gelsemium
  • Norms: Do they Mean Anything?
  • Fancy Lazarus
  • Asia Pacific Public Sector Cyber Security Executive Council
  • Major Rx. Company still has Cyber Issues
  • Commander X Busted in Mexico

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