email scam (2)

13466171087?profile=RESIZE_400xAn ongoing PayPal email scam exploits the platform's address settings to send fake purchase notifications, tricking users into granting remote access to scammers.  For the past month, BleepingComputer and others have received emails from PayPal stating, "You added a new address.  This is just a quick confirmation that you added an address in your PayPal account."  The email includes the new address that was allegedly added to your PayPal account, including a message claiming to be a purchase con

9132907064?profile=RESIZE_400xThis all started with email scams requesting money for a Nigerian price who claims he can double your investment or requests money for charities.  A scam then; still a scam.  Now a new one: a current email scam, also known as advance fee fraud or 419 fraud, is a scheme in which a sender requests help in facilitating the transfer of a sum of money, generally in the form of an email. In return, the sender offers a commission —a large amount, sometimes up to several million dollars depending on the