economy (2)

12200540686?profile=RESIZE_400xBRICS leaders are meeting in South Africa on 22 August 2023 to discuss how to turn a loose cabal of nations, accounting for a quarter of the global economy, into a geopolitical force that can challenge the West's dominance in World affairs.  Russian President Putin, who faces an international arrest warrant over alleged war crimes in Ukraine, will not join leaders from Brazil, India, China and South Africa amid rifts over whether to expand the bloc to include dozens of "Global South" nations que

12125582881?profile=RESIZE_400xA recent survey conducted by Bridewell, a cybersecurity services company headquartered in the UK, revealed a concerning surge in insider cyber threats within critical national infrastructure (CNI) organizations.  The transport and aviation sectors are particularly at risk.  As economic uncertainties loom, organizations are facing budget cuts in cybersecurity, further exacerbating the threat landscape.  This research is some of the first conducted by Bridewell that focuses on the US.[1]
