capratube (2)

12703603066?profile=RESIZE_400xTransparent Tribe (aka APT 36, Operation C-Major) has been active since at least 2016 with attacks against Indian government and military personnel.  The group relies heavily on social engineering attacks to deliver a variety of Windows and Android spyware, including spear-phishing and watering hole attacks.

In September 2023, SentinelLabs outlined the CapraTube campaign, which used weaponized Android applications (APK) designed to mimic YouTube, often in a suspected dating context due to the na

12700078078?profile=RESIZE_400xInternational Joint Operation Takes Down Over 600 IP Addresses Abusing Cobalt Strike Tool - Hundreds of IP addresses abusing Cobalt Strike have been shut down in a joint effort involving law enforcement across several nations. Codenamed “Morpheus”, the joint operation resulted in flagging 690 IP addresses and domains used to infiltrate victim networks.  So far, 593 of them have been taken offline.

The servers flagged in Operation Morpheus used old, unlicensed versions of Cobalt Strike, a popular