apt40 (2)

12745021476?profile=RESIZE_400xIn a show of international cooperation, intelligence and cybersecurity agencies from eight countries have jointly accused China of orchestrating a series of cyberattacks on government networks.  The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, and South Korea have pointed the finger at APT40, a hacking group believed to be sponsored by China's Ministry of State Security.

See:  https://redskyalliance.org/transportation/anchor-panda-and-periscope-threat-actors-tar


Red Sky Alliance has recently observed multiple Chinese, state sponsored, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups targeting Chinese-Muslim non-governmental organizations (NGOs).  Historically, Chinese APT groups have conducted specific cyber campaigns against these type organizations, traditionally with little or no overlap. 

The US Secretary of State (SECSTATE), Mike Pompeo, issued a statement on 26 November 2019 reporting a collection of leaked documents that prove Chinese authorities are eng