To make the Machine Learning (ML) model learn the wrong thing, adversaries can target the model’s training data, foundational models, or both. Adversaries exploit this class of vulnerabilities to influence models using data and parameter manipulation
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A sophisticated stealer-as-a-ransomware threat dubbed RedEnergy has been spotted in the wild, targeting energy utilities, oil, gas, telecom, and machinery sectors. Following a successful breach, the malicious binary is used as a conduit to set up pe
A new process injection technique named 'Mockingjay' could allow threat actors to bypass EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) and other security products to execute malicious code on compromised systems stealthily. Tests showed that this remote inje
U.S. government agencies and many other organizations like newspapers, banks, and biotech companies have fallen victim to infiltration via exploits in the file transfer software MOVEit. In this week's REDSHORT, we will review the details of the explo
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