Special Targets - APT Group “SideCopy”

11073549094?profile=RESIZE_400xFortiGuard Labs researchers have come across a file name or e-mail subject that makes us sit up and take notice. Of course, it may turn out to be nothing.  But every once in a while, one of these turns out to be incredibly interesting.

We recently came across one such file that referenced an Indian state military research organization and an in-development nuclear missile.  The file was meant to deploy malware with characteristics matching the APT group “SideCopy.”  With activities dating back to at least 2019, this group has aligned its targeting with the goals and objectives of the Pakistani government.[1]

11073550658?profile=RESIZE_400xThe SideCopy APT group is known to leverage similar TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures)—and in some cases, utilizes the same infrastructures—as another Pakistan-based threat actor group known as “Transparent Tribe.”  Some reports even claim that SideCopy is a subsidiary of Transparent Tribe. The group was allegedly named “SideCopy” because an infection chain they employed was copied from the long-time Indian threat actor group SideWinder in a likely attempt to make attribution more difficult. Although SideCopy primarily targets Windows platforms, some reports indicate they have deployed malware to compromised Mac and Linux machines.

11073551487?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 1. The entire infection lifecycle.

Initial Infection Vector - The initial infection vector is suspected to be a phishing e-mail. However, that information was not available to FortiGuard Labs at the time of our investigation.  That said, we do have access to a Zip file that would have been the likely attachment to an e-mail.  The file is named “DRDO-K4-Missile-Clean-room.zip”.  When the name’s meaning is fully parsed, it becomes quite interesting. “DRDO” refers to India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_Research_and_Development_Organisation). “K-4” refers to the intermediate-range SLBMs (Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles) housed in their Arihant class of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-4_(missile)).  And “clean room” refers to the facility required to assemble sensitive components or perform intensive maintenance on these missiles.

DRDO-K4-Missle-Clean-room.zip -The Zip file contains three files, with two of them meant to be deployed in a subdirectory of the extraction location.


Figure 2. Contents of “DRDO-K4-Missle-Clean-room.zip”.

The “office.template.mac” and “office.template.ui” files contain unformatted data and have no bearing on the infection chain. They seem to function as decoys to make the third file, “DRDO-K4 Missile Clean room.pptx.lnk”, appear more legitimate.  This is a Microsoft Windows shortcut file. On any Windows system with file extensions hidden, the “.lnk” extension would not be visible, making it appear as “DRDO-K4 Missile Clean room.pptx”. This deception makes it more difficult to distinguish the file as malicious simply by looking at it.

DRDO-K4 Missile Clean room.pptx.lnk -The Windows shortcut file does not open a PowerPoint file (at least immediately). Instead, it reaches out to a domain controlled by the attacker using the utility for Microsoft HTML Applications (HTAs), or “mshta.exe”.

11073552294?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 3. Hidden actions of “DRDO-K4 Missile Clean room.pptx.lnk”.

In this case, the command line argument points to a URL. At the other end of the URL is a malicious file, “Pantomime.hta”, that will be downloaded and executed:


SILENTTRINITY and Pantomime. hta - Previous SideCopy incidents have been observed to use CACTUSTORCH to deploy code in an obfuscated manner via JavaScript and VBScript. This campaign appears to differ because the payload here seems to have been created using a tool called SILENTTRINITY.  SILENTTRINITY is a newer, more comprehensive tool that can be used as a fully featured post-exploitation framework in the same vein as Empire or CobaltStrike.  It effectively allows the execution of Microsoft .Net code without using PowerShell as an intermediary step. In this case, it appears that the payload was generated using the tool.  However, it is unknown whether the backend that served this file or its subsequent stages used it.  “Pantomime.hta” contains several sections of note.  The head of the file validates the .Net version installed on the victim machine and verifies whether the folder “C:\ProgramData\HP” is present.  

If not, it will create it.

11073555297?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 4. The head of “Pantomime.hta” as it appears in its native state.

Most of the file is dominated by two encoded sections stored in variables “dividAndRule” and “punctureTyres”. Both are base 64 encoded, albeit in slightly different ways. 

It’s helpful to start with the second section first, as it has to be read first for the code to be executed properly.

11073556858?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 5. A second encoded section in “Pantomime.hta”.

As Figure 6 shows, “punctureTyres” is passed to the function “basforsixfourstream” (as shown in Figure 5), which decodes it from base64. 

11073557485?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 6. The tail section of “Pantomime.hta”.

The newly decoded “punctureTyres” is deserialized (read into a memory stream), where it can be executed.  Contained within this stream is a Microsoft .Net library named “hta.dll.” It includes a function called “RealityShow” that is used to pass the base64-encoded variable “dividAndRule” so the file “DRDO-K4 Missile Clean room.pptx” can be deployed as well as the next stage of the malware.

hta.dll - As mentioned, “hta.dll” aims to deploy “DRDO-K4 Missile Clean room.pptx”. It can be deployed as well as the next stage of the malware.
11073557884?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 7. Class “WorkInProgress” and function “RealityShow.”

After being called from “Pantomime.hta”, the function “open the file” takes the data from “dividAndRule,” decodes it from base64, and decompresses it due to it being a GZip compressed data stream.  It then opens the file for display.  Additionally, the function “getThirdStrike” is called to begin the next phase of infection.

11073558099?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 8. “open the file” and “getThirdStrike” functions from “hta.dll”.

“getThirdStrike” establishes the download location for the file “jquery.hta”. It then sends that on the function “runItOn” to reach out to “hXXp://cornerstonebeverly[.]org/js/files/ntfonts/jquery.txt” to download the file.

11073558669?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 9. Capturing the A/V details on the victim machine.

“getThirdStrike” also assesses the antivirus situation on the victim machine and passes that information on via an HTTP POST through the “pkg.infinity” function, which will reach out to “hXXp://cornerstonebeverly.org/js/files/ntfonts/avena/.”  Once all of this occurs, the execution of “jquery.hta” commences.

DRDO-K4 Missile Clean room.pptx - Unlike the shortcut that shares its name, this is an actual Microsoft PowerPoint file.

11073558901?profile=RESIZE_400xFigure 10. Title slide from “DRDO-K4 Missile Clean room.pptx”.
11073559293?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 11. A slide showing average temperature and humidity at the Indian missile research site.

The PowerPoint deck contains 22 slides and is a convincing treatise on the requirements for building a cleanroom environment to suit the needs of a major aerospace project in that region of the globe. The file, however, is entirely benign and operates as a decoy to conceal other activities being undertaken.

jquery.hta - “jquery. hta” is very similar in structure and purpose to “Pantomime.hta”.  It advances the infection by deploying additional files from multiple variables with encoded data. It seems to have also been created by SILENTTRINITY.

11073560264?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 12. The head of “jQuery.hta” as it appears in its native state.

The head of the file contains the function “decode_base64”, a custom implementation to decode base 64-encoded data that will be used later, and a large, encoded section attached to a variable called “addle.”  Like “Pantomime.hta”, this gets executed once the next section is decoded and executed.

11073560489?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 13. Encoded variable “InMomemerandum.”

The variable “InMomemerandum” contains the base64-encoded data for another .Net DLL called “PreBot.dll.”

11073560886?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 14. The tail section of “jQuery.hta”.

The function “decode_base64” from Figure 12 is now being used to decode a small block of base64 text, “U2VsZWN0ICogRnJvbSBBbnRpVmlydXNQcm9kdWN0”. This translates to “Select * From AntiVirusProduct,” a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query to obtain information on what type of antivirus product(s) may be installed on the system. 

Figure 14 shows that “InMomemerandum” will be sent to a function to decode it from base 64—in this case, the function “bazSixFerToStreeeemStranger.” It is then deserialized to run “PreBot.dll” in memory, after which point the data from the variable “addle” is passed to the function “PinkAgain.”

PreBot.dll - The opening class declaration of “DraftingPad” contains the path destinations for the files remaining to be deployed for this attack.

Figure 15. “DraftingPad” class declaration and ”PinkAgain” function.

In addition to containing the desired landing locations for the remaining files, additional base 64 encoded text is assigned to the variable “BatFileBytes.”  The “PinkAgain” function takes the data passed from “jquery.hta” in the form of a base 64-encoded, GZip-compressed stream of bytes and the antivirus settings of the victim machine and route them to a function that will deal with them appropriately.

11073561475?profile=RESIZE_400xFigure 16. “test.bat” is decoded and sent to the system user’s temp path.

11073561679?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 17. The contents of “test.bat.”

The purpose of “test.bat” is to create a registry key called “Windows Update Schedule” in the “HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run” registry hive.  The naming convention attempts to assist it in blending in as something that looks legitimate.

11073561879?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 18. Updated registry key “Windows Update Schedule.”

This ensures that the file “C:\Users\Public\hp\cridviz.exe” is executed upon each system restart.

11073561701?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 19. This function decodes and deploys “DUser.dll.”


Finally, “DUser.dll” is decompressed and deposited into its target location of “C:\Users\Public\hp\” alongside “cridviz.exe”. This contains the main code for a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that will be used along with the aforementioned “credviz.exe” by having its code sideloaded (https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1574/002/) into it when it launches.

credviz.exe - The file “C:\Users\Public\hp\cridviz.exe” is copied from its usual location at either “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\credwiz.exe” or “C:\Windows\System32\credwiz.exe” (depending on the system’s architecture) to the above location with the filename slightly altered.  “cridviz.exe” is the "Credential Backup and Restore Wizard" used as part of the Windows Credential Manager to provide a method for backing up and restoring saved credentials on the system.

11073562291?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 20. “Credential Backup and Restore Wizard”

As mentioned previously, the SideCopy RAT doesn’t exist as a separate executable. It has to have assistance via another application to load its code into memory and execute it. In this case, it’s “cridviz.exe.” It uses sideloading to do this, which is to say that a dependency of the legitimate application is highjacked to allow the malicious code to load. This is done by dropping the malicious DLL “DUser.dll” in the directory with “cridviz.exe”.  Interestingly, “DUser.dll” isn’t a direct dependency requirement. It is a requirement of two other libraries that “cridviz.exe” requires, “COMCTL32.dll” and “SHELL32.dll”. The result of doing this is that it makes tracing the source of the malicious code much more difficult.

11073562100?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 21. Visual representation of the dependency requirement tree for “DUser.dll.”


DUser.dll - The end state for this attack is the deployment and execution of “DUser.dll”. As alluded to above, a legitimate version of this file normally resides in “C:\Windows\SysWOW64”.

11073562857?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 22. Details for the legitimate “DUser.dll.”

11073563259?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 23. File properties comparison of the malicious versus legitimate “DUser.dll.”


As shown in Figure 23, comparing the illegitimate and legitimate files indicates several differences. Notably, what’s available in the “File description” and “File version” fields, as well as the size of the files, with the malicious one being considerably smaller.  Upon execution, “DUser.dll” reaches out to “hXXp://144[.]91[.]72[.]17:8080” as a command and control (C2) node to both send and receive to.

11073563674?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 24. Performing a “GET” operation from the C2 address.

11073565481?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 25. Performing a “POST” and sending information to the C2 address.

The actions performed by the RAT use a distinctive user-agent string, “cpp-httplib/0.7”, making it stand out in traffic. It can communicate over TCP using raw sockets or via HTTP.  The RAT can also perform other, less common HTTP verb-related operations, such as “PUT” and “PATCH”.
11073565691?profile=RESIZE_584xFigure 26. Code matching the PCAP items from Figures 24 and 25.

The RAT can start other processes if instructed using the “CreateProcessW” Windows API call.  This would be useful for launching additional payloads once a foothold on the target system has been achieved.

11073566680?profile=RESIZE_710xFigure 27. “CreateProcessW” can be used to launch additional payloads.

Conclusion - A targeted campaign, where the attacker takes the time to create a relevant lure for a target to pursue, will always open more doors for an attacker.  In this case, we saw SideCopy deliver one that would be of interest only to a small group of people in the Indian defense industry.  Targets in this position would be of definite interest to the Government of Pakistan and any threat actors that align with its aims.



File-based IOCs:









DRDO - K4 Missile Clean room.pptx.lnk






DRDO - K4 Missile Clean room.pptx













Network-based IOCs:


IOC type


TLD for HTA file downloads


Further payload download




Further payload download






Extracted PDB Paths:




E:\Packers\CyberLink\Latest Source\Multithread Protocol Architecture\HTTP Arsanel\Clinet\app\Release\app.pdb


Red Sky Alliance is a Cyber Threat Analysis and Intelligence Service organization.  CyberDog is our Tech contributor.  Woof, Woof.  For questions, comments, or assistance, please get in touch with the office directly at 1-844-492-7225, or feedback@redskyalliance.com

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[1] https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/clean-rooms-nuclear-missiles-and-sidecopy/

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