
12381762074?profile=RESIZE_400xBitdefender researchers have discovered a new backdoor targeting Mac OS users.  This previously undocumented family of malware is written in Rust and includes several interesting features.  While the investigation is ongoing, we’re sending out this alert to share indicators of compromise with the community. Bitdefender products identify this threat as Trojan.MAC.RustDoor.*.

Here’s what we know so far:  Distribution - The backdoor seems to impersonate a Visual Studio update, and all identified files are distributed directly as FAT binaries with Mach-O files for both x86_64 Intel and ARM architectures.  None of the files have any other parents (Application Bundles, Disk images). Some of the identified samples are under the following names:

  • zshrc2
  • Previewers
  • VisualStudioUpdater
  • VisualStudioUpdater_Patch
  • VisualStudioUpdating
  • visualstudioupdate
  • DO_NOT_RUN_ChromeUpdates

Analysts were able to trace the first samples back to early November 2023.  The freshest sample was spotted on 2 Feburary2024, indicating the malware has been operating undetected for at least three months.[1]

Versions and capabilities - This backdoor seems to have multiple variants. While most of the samples share the same core functionalities (with minor variations), we split these samples into Variant 1, 2 and Zero, as documented below.  The files’ source code is written in Rust, and analysis of the binaries reveals the names of the original source files. Rust's syntax and semantics differ from those of  more common languages like C or Python, making it harder for security researchers to analyze and detect malicious code.  This can give malware authors an advantage in evading detection and analysis.

12381762452?profile=RESIZE_400xVariant 1 source files

12381762263?profile=RESIZE_400xVariant 2 source files

All samples we analysed contain the backdoor functionality, with the following list of supported commands:

  • ps
  • shell
  • cd
  • mkdir
  • rm
  • rmdir
  • sleep
  • upload
  • botkill
  • dialog
  • taskkill
  • download

These commands allow the malware to gather and upload files, and gather information about the machine, as highlighted by the following arguments used in conjunction with the sysctl command:

  • cpu.vendor
  • cpu.brand_string
  • osproductversion
  • cpufrequency

The information extracted with the sysctl command, as well as the output of two other commands (pwd and hostname) are then submitted to the Register endpoint of the C&C server to receive a Victim ID.   This Victim ID will be then used in the rest of communication between the C&C and backdoor.

Communication with the C2 servers is performed using the following endpoints:

  • POST /gateway/register: called when the file is executed and has the purpose of receiving an ID from the C2. The payload sent to the server contains 3 fields: hostname, os_version(the macOS version, ex: 13.6.4) and pwd (the current directory)
  • POST /gateway/report: called regularly at short timeintervals and the payload sent to the server containsonly one field, the idwith the value received as response from the /gateway/registercall
  • /gateway/taskused to exchange information about the tasks executed on the compromised machine
  • /tasks/upload_file:used to exfiltrate files

Currently, the C2 servers are answering with {“detail”: “Not found”}

Variant 1 - This variant, first seen on 22 November 2023, seems to be a testing version, as shown by the embedded plist file (which is copy-pasted from a public write-up describing persistence mechanisms and sandbox evasion techniques for macOS).  Another possible clue is the name of the plist file (test.plist).  Although this embedded plist is meant to ensure persistence using LaunchAgents, the configuration does not include a field for this persistence method (only for persistence using cronjobs or inserting the application in the Dock bar), as seen in the second variant.

12381762461?profile=RESIZE_584xThe variant 1 samples also contain an embedded JSON configuration, which is described in deeper detail in the Persistence section.

Variant 2 - The files belonging to this second Variant were first seen on 30 November 2023 and are slightly larger than their counterparts in version one, at around 4-5MB.  This variant seems to be an upgraded version of the malware, that now contains a complex JSON configuration as well as an embedded Apple script used for exfiltration.

The embedded Apple script – Analysts identified multiple variants of the embedded Apple script, but all of them are meant for data exfiltration

The script is used to exfiltrate documents with specific extensions and sizes from Documents and Desktop folders, as well as the notes of the user, stored in SQLITE format at the following location: /Users/<user>/Library/Group Containers/

Multiple strings containing the targeted extensions were also identified inside the binaries: txtrtfdocxlsxlsxpngpdfpemascppkrdpzipsqlovpnkdbx , confkeyjson

After all files are copied to the destination hidden folder, they are compressed into a ZIP archive (which has the name <username> and sent to the C2 server

12381762481?profile=RESIZE_584x12381762680?profile=RESIZE_584xThe configuration options - The configuration options seem to include  a list of applications to be impersonated, with the purpose of spoofing the administrator password using a dialog, customized with different messages:

12381763064?profile=RESIZE_584xSome configurations also include specific instructions about what data to collect, such as the maximum size and maximum number of files, as well as lists of targeted extensions and directories, or directories to  exclude:

12381763882?profile=RESIZE_400xThe first part of the configuration suggests there are multiple ways to achieve persistence, as documented in the Persistence  section.

Variant Zero - Variant Zero seems to be the earliest one, and was first seen on 02.11.2023.  Given the fact that it is presumably the original one, it is less complex than the other ones.  While it has the backdoor functionality, the apple script and embedded configuration are absent.

Persistence - As previously mentioned, the first two variants contain embedded JSON configurations that highlight multiple persistence mechanisms employed by this family, through fields like lock_in_cronlock_in_launchlock_in_dock or lock_in_rc.  
If the first two methods are quite common in recent malware families, the last two are not so popular.

lock_in_cron - Persistence using cronjobs

lock_in_launch - Persistence using LaunchAgents, causing the binary to be executed every time the user logs in. The path of the LaunchAgent is passed as parameter to the launchctl load –w <path_to_plist_file> command, which loads and starts the job, which will also restart on future logins.

12381764055?profile=RESIZE_584x.plist file created for persistence (

lock_in_rc - Persistence achieved by modifying the ~/.zshrc file, which is used to execute the binary every time a new ZSH session is opened.

lock_in_dock - Persistence achieved by adding the binary to the dock.  This is done using the command defaults write persistent-apps -array-add. which modifies the file (located in ~/Library/Preferences folder).  After modifying the file, the command killall Dock is executed to restart the Dock and apply the changes.

Possible link with notorious Windows ransomware groups - While the current information on Trojan.MAC.RustDoor is not enough to confidently attribute this campaign to a specific threat actor, artifacts and IoCs suggest a possible relationship with the BlackBasta and (ALPHV/BlackCat) ransomware operators.  Specifically, three out of the four command and control servers have been previously associated with ransomware campaigns targeting Windows clients.  ALPHV/BlackCat is a ransomware family (also written in Rust), that first made its appearance in November 2021, and that has pioneered the public leaks business model.

Indicators of Compromise - Currently known indicators of compromise can be found below. Bitdefender Threat Intelligence customers can access enriched, contextual insights about this attack. The ThreatID BDapx7qeon in the Bitdefender IntelliZone portal includes additional TTPs and visualizations. For more information about Bitdefender Threat Intelligence solution visit our product page.


6dd3a3e4951d34446fe1a5c7cdf39754 (VisualStudioUpdater_Patch)

90a517c3dab8ceccf5f1a4c0f4932b1f (VisualStudioUpdater_Patch)

b67bba781e5cf006bd170a0850a9f2d0 (VisualStudioUpdating)

f5774aca722e0624daf67a2da5ec6967 (VisualStudioUpdater_Patch)

52a9d67745f153465fac434546007d3a (Previewers)

30b27b765878385161ca1ee71726a5c6 (DO_NOT_RUN_ChromeUpdates)

1dbc26447c1eaa9076e65285c92f7859 (visualstudioupdate)

05a8583f36599b5bc93fa3c349e89434 (VisualStudioUpdater)

5d0c62da036bbe375cb10659de1929e3 (VisualStudioUpdater)

68e0facbf541a2c014301346682ef9ca (VisualStudioUpdater)

b2bdd1d32983c35b3b1520d83d89d197 (zshrc2)

5fcc12eaba8185f9d0ddecafae8fd2d1 (zshrc2)






















Download domains –


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This article is presented at no charge for educational and informational purposes only.

Red Sky Alliance is a Cyber Threat Analysis and Intelligence Service organization and has reported extensively on AI technology.  For questions, comments or assistance, please contact the office directly at 1-844-492-7225, or    

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