From our friends at: Be Cyber Aware at Sea.
Happy New Year! Welcome to this month’s edition of Phish & Ships, brought to you by The Be Cyber Aware at Sea campaign. The start of a new decade, let alone a new year, is a time of fresh resolution. For the maritime industry it should be an opportunity for us all to take stock on how far we’ve come and what more we can do in tackling cyber-crime. The cyber landscape is still as complicated as ever; this month we bring further details of another cyber-attack in the US which brought a facility to a standstill for 30 hours. Meanwhile the tensions rising in the Middle East mean state-sponsored cyber incidents look likely to increase. We urge you all to hit the ground running this January – refresh your knowledge of cyber threats, check your procedures and ensure they are known and understood by employees, and explore the technology options that can support and protect you and your organization. We wish you all well for 2020!
Link to the full report: Phish and Ships JAN 2020.pdf