From our Friends at Be Cyber Aware at Sea:
Welcome to this month’s edition of Phish & Ships, brought to you by The Be Cyber Aware at Sea campaign. The world of shipping has been thrust into the spotlight this month, underlining just how closely the industry operates in the most turbulent of geo-political waters with all the risks that entails. As we said last
month, there may be little we can do about state-on-state attacks, but we should keep a wary eye out for what we can prevent. Risks come in many packages, be they large-scale industry-changing breakthroughs such as autonomous technologies, to the small, seemingly innocent, emails that hint at something more.
Threats to the maritime industry will come in all shapes and sizes and most, lingering under the surface like an iceberg, are impossible to judge their full damage potential. Here at Be Cyber Aware At Sea, we hope to continue to help you navigate these waters safely.
Link to full publication: Phish & Ships August 2019.pdf